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FiKNOTS is a platform that allows gamers to find NFT Game Scholarship and various other GameFi gaming jobs; as well as NFT owners to lend their NFT and offer Scholarships for a shared profit.

FiKNOTS Overview
FiKNOTS Overview

FiKNOTS is a platform that allows gamers to find GameFi scholarships and

GameFi scholarship basics
GameFi scholarship basics

A scholarship is a popular practice in some GameFi titles where NFT

Matching Flow Overview
Matching Flow Overview

1. Applying for Jobs The managers post the jobs, the scholars check

Create an account
Create an account

Smartphone  0. Install the MetaMask application and sign / log in. If


Profile Editor User Photo – You can change your profile picture at

Account Settings

Select Admin Page and choose Account Settings from the sidebar menu. Linking

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